

As a leader in the organization of sports events and fundraisers, KCO creates and organizes a wide range of fundraising events in France and Europe. Every year, these events mobilize tens of thousands of people and collect several million euros for the benefit of nonprofits, foundations and NGOs.


These fundraising events represent new forms of engagement, which notably respond to the aspirations of younger generations. Coupled with traditional fundraising tools (direct marketing, emails, street marketing, etc.), these events serve to recruit and/or retain fundraisers and donors, while also unifying and mobilizing teams, partners and the organization’s broader network.


Fundraising campaigns come in all different shapes and sizes within companies. From matching donations to peer-to-peer fundraising, many options are available to help employees raise funds and play an active role in the company’s social responsibility policy.


Building on its recognized expertise and transparent business operations, KCO offers event communications services adapted to the needs of foundations, public utility nonprofits and corporations.